what do the belts mean
What are the belts for? These are the most common questions that a student gets asked by friends or new people that join. Are they a fashion symbol no? Are they to hold up your trousers nope? The belt is there to show what skill level you are and so the trainers know how far they can push you to achieve your goals.
Here is a list of the belts and what they mean
White belt: kata, kumite, stances, strikes, blocks, kicks,
Orange belt: Advanced strike, advanced block, saifa, advanced stance
Once you get to your red belt you start to feel more comfortable and you gain new skills. But there is only one that you should never forget and that is your basics because once you hit brown belt (which I am a 1st kyu) you do more kata and you get to spar your trainer. The trainers look at your basics in your kata.
What is grading
The belts are steps towards the black belt, when you start to your green belt you have little tags these little tags tell your teacher that you’re ready to get your next belt. It’s scary at first but once you find your rhythm and know your timings you will feel like a master already but there is always something to learn even brown belts get muddled I know I do but all we have to do is laugh it off a push on till the end of the grading.
The journey is a long one but there are many adventure to be had.
The belts are as follows:
White belt 10th
Yellow belt 8th
Orange belt 7th
Green belt 6th
Blue belt 5th
Red belt 4th
Brown belt 3rd
Brown belt 2nd
Brown belt 1st
Shodan ho (black belt)
Black belt 1st Dan
Black belt 2nd Dan
Black belt 3rd Dan
“Character is not made of sunshine and roses, like steel it is forged between the hammer and the anvil.”